How to care for your nails during quarantine!

In the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, our salon & others are closed and now you are left to care for your nails on your own. Today we will be talking about how to remove your nails at home safely, and some tips and tricks for doing your own at home mani pedi!

How to remove your nails safely at home….

Shellac/Gel Polish

  • File/buff off the top layer 

  • Soak cotton in 100% acetone (Affordable Acetone)

  • Wrap tightly in foil (make sure no air gets out or it will dry up the cotton)

  • Wait 10-15 minutes. The polish should start to flake off

  • Scratch or lightly buff at the polish. Repeat the steps if needed!

  • Apply cuticle oil (acetone dehydrates and dries out your skin and nails)

    SNS/Dip Powder/Acrylic

  • File/buff off the top layer

  • fill a big bowl up with hot water and fill a smaller bowl with 100% Acetone.

  • Place the bowl of acetone into the bowl with hot water. Make sure no water gets into the acetone. The heat from the water will make the acetone more concentrated, helping to reduce some soak time!

  • Place your fingers into the acetone bowl (and cover with a towel to reduce the smell).

  • Wait 15-20 minutes

  • Use a paper towel to wipe (almost like you're dragging the product off your nails) and lightly buff.

  • Repeat the steps if needed! 

  • Finish with cuticle oil.

    Bio Gel

  • Bio Gel does NOT melt in acetone, making the process a little more tricky. You will have to file and buff it down completely! Be careful to not go too far and damage the nail bed! Always apply cuticle oil!

How to Keep your Hands & feet looking fresh & Moisturized…

Always wear at least a base coat and apply cuticle oil twice daily! Base coat keeps your nails protected and prevents any yellowing or discolour. Keep your nails short and rounded (square breaks easier because of the sharp edges) Apply your favourite hand cream twice daily. The healthier you keep your skin around your nails, the healthier your nails grow!

For your feet, keep your toenails short and always file straight across! you can lightly round edges if they are too sharp but never round down too far, this can cause ingrown toe nails! Push your cuticles up to keep them nice and clean, lightly buff your nail bed and use polish! 1 coat of base, 2 coats of colour and a top coat! You can use a pumice stone at home to care for any callouses, salt & sugar scrubs work as well! Make sure to moisturize your feet every night before bed to keep hydrated.

Hopefully we get this pandemic over with quickly and go back to pampering our lovely guests! Until then I hope these tips help you.

Stay Safe!

Kim Le